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The Ashland Volunteer Fire Department in Ashland, Nebraska is dedicated to providing for the highest quality fire protection for the citizens and visitors in our community!


Founded in 1911, the members of the Ashland Volunteer Fire Department are dedicated to providing for the safety and welfare of the public through preservation of life, health, property, and the environment.



Ashland Nebraska Volunteer Fire Fighter
2024 Fire Officers

The Ashland Volunteer Fire Department currently has 34 active members who volunteer their time to respond to emergencies for the City of Ashland as well as providing mutual aid emergency response to surrounding communities. Members attend monthly training sessions and officers also attend department and city meetings.


Chief: Stan Smith
1st Asst Chief: Mathew Meyer
2nd Asst Chief: Chad Hart

1st Captain: Dalton Smith
2nd Captain: Mike Meyer
Lieutenant/Training: Tylor Kennedy

President: Caleb Alcorn
Vice President: Josh Wade 
Secretary: Jennie Blodgett

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